The neighbourhood
The farm "Al Pepil" is located in the valley of theTarn, one of the nicest rivers of France without any doubt, which takes you for a walk from the Mont Lozère to Castelsarrazin. We are in the
heart of Occitanie.
You have to visit Albi, entirely built with pinkish bricks and see the cathedral which is a model of type. Albi also hosts the Toulouse- Lautrec Museum, child of the region.
Another church Notre Dame du Bourg in Rabastens is registered to the worldwide heritage of UNESCO. Rabastens in one of the ways to Saint Jacques de Compostelle.
Gaillac, just a step away from Pepil, offers it's name to the wine AOC , supplier of which your guest is.
Giroussens, the village of Pepil, is a village of potters and hosts the House of the Ceramic.
The annual European market of the Ceramic takes place here on the last week end of April.
The small tourist train of Saint Lieux les Lavaur takes you for a walk among all the treasures of the region and ends its journey in the garden of Martels, one of the nicest French gardens of
English inspiration.
The Magrin castle hosts the only museum of the Pastel in France. It's the massive exportation of the Blue Pastel which gave to this region the nickname of Pays de Cocagne.
A walk in Castres reveals this splendid city, stage of pilgrims, centre of rugby, and hosts also the Goya Museum .A little further is the Sidobre, granite site scattered with rocks with
incredible forms.
Al Pepil is located in Pays Cathare. The Museum of Lavaur, former Cathar city, displays this part of the history of the region.
Definitely, Carcassonne is very close, visit the city is obvious!
Finally Toulouse, the pink city, home town of Nougaro, city of the Space, is about forty kilometres away and is worth the trip.